1. If customer does not exercise their vehicle purchase option, they must return the covered vehicle to a GM Dealership or other place the Lessor designates on or before the scheduled lease termination date.
2. Customer must make the covered vehicle available for inspection at Lessor’s request.
3. When the customer returns the covered vehicle, they must give the Lessor a completed signed odometer disclosure statement.
4. Lessor will have the covered vehicle inspected in order to determine the amount of any Excess Wear and Tear charges owed by the customer.
5. Lessor will provide the Administrator with a copy of the Vehicle Inspection Report so they can calculate the amount of any Waiver Benefit to be applied to the customer’s account.
6. Lessor will provide the customer with a copy of their final statement detailing the itemized calculation of their Excess Wear and Tear charge(s), the amount of any Waiver Benefit being applied to their account, and, if applicable, any outstanding balance the customer owes the Lessor under the terms of the Lease Agreement.